Thursday 16 September 2010

thought stopping

Thought Stopping is a way of intercepting negative thoughts and refocusing thought on positive productive ideas. All of us are prone to having negative thoughts - that is, things that we fear we tend to express internally as, "oh no.  The worst is going to happen." This is especially true under the pressure of a competitive situation, or one in which we're being critically judged.  

breathing techniques

An important aspect to running aside from exercising and stretching beforehand is maintaining proper breathing techniques while running. If done improperly, an incorrect breathing technique can have adverse affects on the body including a shorter run that results in a quicker loss of breath and can also result in greater stress to the body. Aside from preventing injuries, maintaining healthy breathing techniques while running can ensure a satisfactory run, giving you motivation for your next time out.

if you have the wrong breathing techniques this could happen to you

thinking techniques

Using positive thinking techniques will greatly improve the way you handle situations, the way you interact with other people and the way you live every single day of your existence. You might wonder how a thought, no matter how positive, can have such a significant impact on a person’s life.
eg: boxxing the player will go in their thinking positive think he is going to win so he can be in the zone and win so you can beat the hardest of people


Centering during sports is critical to stay focused and avoid distractions. It helps an athlete stay in the moment and release past and future thoughts, worries and plans.
Sports psychologists recommend centering techniques to reduce anxiety and stress. These techniques allow athletes to pay attention to their body and breathing, redirecting their focus from the negative- or anxiety-causing event to the present task. eg cricket the batter paying atention so he can hit the ball were he wants it to go

decision makeing

decison makeing is the ablity to  think on your feet so you no what is the best thing to do for you and your team like looking for the easy ball in football or playing the one two eg:takeing a free kick in football are you going to take the shot or pass

if you make the wrong decison you could end up like this

problem solving

problem solving is the ablity to think quick to the change in play so you can make the pass if one option is taken eg: a player slides infront of you so u need to think quick so you can get out of trouble

Monday 13 September 2010


The motivation for participating in sport and striving for improvement is likely to vary considerably from person to person. Indeed, most people have multiple motives rather than single reasons. For example, a tennis player might be attending individual coaching sessions to improve her ranking in order to demonstrate competence, repay the support of her parents and qualify for more prestigious tournaments offering more prize money Sometimes these multiple motives reinforce each other, but at other times they can cause internal conflicts.
like a  football player getting talk to by his coach to make him to do better so he can help them win the game and proform better so players are mostly motivetid by money or what they can get out of winning

aggression in sport

Aggression in sport can be caused by a number of factors. The most identifiable reasons are the rules of the game level of physical contact, frustration, instinct, presence, arousal, environmental cues, self control and also the behaviour of those around. Other factors in aggression include personality, media involvement, coaching, role models and the society we live in. The following is an insight into the term aggression in sport, using the social learning theory and environmental cues theory I will explain examples of each theory and try and contrast them.
this is hostile aggression were the person gose out to make the other person hurt. this can be a illeagal if the person gets the police involed and could get the person suppended from sport or worse
this is inturnal aggression were they can harness their aggression and make it help their sport so they can get the extra to beat their openets so they have the extra


This is the mental quality to focus on the task in hand. If the athlete lacks concentration then their athletic abilities will not be effectively or efficiently applied to the task. Research has identified the following types of attention focus

  • Broad Narrow continuum - the athlete focuses on a large or small number of stimuli
  • Internal External continuum - the athlete focuses on internal stimuli (feelings) or external stimuli (ball)

 tennies players have to have a very high concentration becouse one single mistake and i could cost them the game or set.




if you have bad concentration you could lose the game for you team on  moment of bad concentration and that could be the end of the game e.g the goalkeep getting cort off gard   

Thursday 9 September 2010

self confidenece

if you have to much self confidenece this can make you think it will be easy amd you will not perform to your best ablity so you will not be as good as what you can be

anxitey contorl

some of the symptons of anxitey are you heart beats faster your palms get sweaty your mind races and this gives you the extra spark this helps you get out of trouble the way you would use this in sport it makes you more alert so you are more likely to faster than the other opponents it gives you the extra